Mug Adventures: Reservoir 2 & 3, West Hartford, CTThe great part about these Reservoirs in West Hartford is that it's a pick your own adventure! I say this because you can choose to walk trails or paved paths. They even have a bicycle lane! If you are going to bike I would encourage you to have a bell on your bike as pedestrians often pass each other by walking into the bicycle lane. Because there are multiple loops that you can choose varying amount of miles that you would want to walk that day. Click read more button to see more pictures! I'm sure I will frequent these paths more often come the end of my pregnancy as I will appreciate the lack of tripping hazards on the walking paths.
This last week's walk there had amazing fall colors! |
Hi, I'm Lisa the artist and creator of this content.
Here on my blog I share behind the scenes, events, and activities related to my art. GET INSPIRATION AND SPECIAL DEALS DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX!
February 2024