An assignment in creativity.Change up the monotony of your pottery making! If you are feeling stuck you can change up the creativity in your pottery by trying out one or all of the ideas listed below! 1. Three Basic Profiles1. Straight Profile, 2. Concave Profile, 3. Convex Profile 2. Non-Round ShapesGet away from the round wheel thrown shape. You can alter your pots to triangular, square, rectangular, pentagonal. 3. Vary the Rim and Foot StatementsI have three different rim statements below. 1. Triangular & Beveled In, 2. Rectangular and Undulating, 3. Rectangular and Cut Angular I have three different foot statements listed below. 1. Beveled Up, 2. Beveled Up and Indented, 3. Flared and Indented These are just 3 basic ideas you can incorporated into diversify the designs of your pottery. With each idea of changing up the profile, overall shape, and rim/foot statements the design possibilities are endless. I would love to see some before and afters of your pottery as you try out some of these idea.
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February 2024