About Marcus: Ceramic artist, potter, and teacher. Do you collect handmade pottery? "I have 50 pieces ranging from Song Dynasty celadons to contemporary artists, former teachers, colleagues, and friends." Why do you buy handmade pottery? "Buying handmade pottery is the beginning of a relationship with the maker. The design, technique, and execution of the artist’s concept is a window into the personality and soul. The more I use a piece, the more it speaks to me, and the wider the variety of pots from an artist, the broader picture of their tastes, sensibilities, and impressions of their world. I have pieces that I’ve owned for 20 years and I still learn something new from them. The handmade pots I own of a more historic nature ground me in a sense of ancient traditions, and give me a feeling of being connected to a ceramic genealogy that is very important to me, and from both I draw a great amount of inspiration and insight." How did you acquire a Lisa York piece of pottery? "I walked up to Lisa at a Hood College faculty show and said 'Lisa I have GOT to have this mug!'"
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February 2024